63,459,781 Abortions Since Roe v. Wade: ‘We Pray’ 2022 Is its ‘Last Anniversary’

The United States passed a tragic landmark in 2022 with its 63 millionth abortion since Roe v. Wade – an eye-opening number that pro-lifers say should awaken Americans to the consequences of the 1973 decision. The statistic is based on data from the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute, which contacts abortion clinics directly for the numbers. National Right to Life, using the Guttmacher stats, says there have been 63,459,781 abortions in the U.S. since ...

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New Study Shows Significant Increase in Teaching of Evolution over Creationism in Public Schools

Milton Quintanilla | Contributor for ChristianHeadlines.com  | Tuesday, June 16, 2020 Over the last 12 years, the teaching of creationism in public high schools across the U.S. has declined while the time devoted to teaching the theory of evolution has sharply increased, a new study finds. The study, titled "Teaching evolution in U.S. public schools: a continuing challenge," was released by Evolution: Education and Outreach, a peer-reviewed journal that seeks to advocate for the comprehensive teaching ...

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44 Percent of American Believers Think Jesus Sinned, New Survey Finds

Milton Quintanilla | Contributor for ChristianHeadlines.com  | Monday, April 27, 2020 The latest findings from The American Worldview Inventory 2020 (AWVI 2020) show that some 44 percent of American believers think that Jesus sinned. The survey also revealed a dramatic decline in the number of Americans who hold to a biblical worldview. According to the survey, about 51 percent of American adults have a traditional view of God as opposed to 73 percent in 1991, a 22 percent ...

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‘Jesus Holds the Victory Flag’: Why Archaeologists Say This Could Be Jesus’ Last Supper Room

Emily Jones, Julie Stahl | CBN.COM | 04-09-2020 *** NOTE: This story was first published in April of 2019 when Israel was open to visitors during Holy Week. Since no one can travel there at the moment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we're showing this story once again with its amazing footage and analysis by archaeologists. JERUSALEM, Israel - Thousands of Christian pilgrims usually visit Jerusalem this week to celebrate Easter and the ...

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93 Percent of America’s Churches Have Stopped Meeting, Poll Shows

Michael Foust | ChristianHeadlines.com Contributor  | Friday, April 3, 2020 Only 7 percent of Protestant churches met in-person last weekend, and even fewer plan to meet for Easter in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new survey by LifeWay Research. The poll found that 99 percent of Protestant pastors were meeting March 1 – the first Sunday of the month – although that percentage fell each succeeding week: 95 percent met March 864 percent met ...

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All 16 Dead Sea Scroll Fragments at Museum of the Bible Are Forgeries, Investigation Finds

Kayla Koslosky | ChristianHeadlines.com Editor  | Monday, March 16, 2020 The Museum of the Bible announced Friday that an extensive independent investigation into the 16 fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls housed in the Washington, D.C.-based museum concluded that the fragments, believed by experts and museum leadership to be authentic, were in fact, forgeries. According to National Geographic, the modern forgeries initially duped outside collectors, leading biblical scholars and the museum’s CEO, Harry Hargrave.  After five of the museum’s ...

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In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace

PEWFORUM.ORG | OCTOBER 17, 2019 The religious landscape of the United States continues to change at a rapid clip. In Pew Research Center telephone surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, 65% of American adults describe themselves as Christians when asked about their religion, down 12 percentage points over the past decade. Meanwhile, the religiously unaffiliated share of the population, consisting of people who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or ...

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Jesus Came to Proclaim Good News to the Poor. But Now They’re Leaving Church.

RYAN BURGE | Christianitytoday.com NOVEMBER 27, 2019 8:00 AM It’s well-established that the gap between the middle class and those who earn the highest incomes in the United States has grown wider over time, spurring partisan responses over how or whether to address income inequality. But there’s a facet of this issue that should be particularly worrisome to Christians: Many of the poorest Americans are abandoning church en masse. By stepping away from church ...

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Black Protestants, Evangelicals Top Rankings for Longest Sermons

DAVID CRARY – ASSOCIATED PRESS DECEMBER 16, 2019 10:45 AM How long should a sermon be? The major branches of Christianity in the US have sharply different traditions, with sermons at historically black Protestant churches lasting—on average—nearly four times as long as Roman Catholic sermons. That’s among the findings of an analysis by the Pew Research Center—billed as the first of its kind—of 49,719 sermons delivered in April and May that were shared online ...

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47 Percent of Mainline Pastors Now Support Same-Sex Marriage

Michael Foust | ChristianHeadlines.com Contributor | Friday, February 21, 2020 Nearly half of mainline pastors say they back same-sex marriage, although support among evangelical pastors remains low, according to a new LifeWay Research survey. The poll of 1,000 pastors found that 47 percent of mainline pastors say they “see nothing wrong with two people of the same gender getting married.” That’s an increase from 2010, when 32 percent of mainline pastors answered ...

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