Does Worship Singing Spread Coronavirus?

Chris Bolinger | | 2020 11 Jun For most Christians, communal singing—or singing with others in the congregation—is an important part of a worship service. Recognizing this, many churches have tried to include hymns or worship songs in their online services. As these churches transition back to in-person services, however, they are reluctant to include congregational singing in those services. The reason is simple: congregational singing spreads coronavirus. Or does it? And, if so, how much? March: Outbreaks in ...

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7 Ways God Uses Waiting to Prepare You

7 Ways God Uses Waiting to Prepare You

Cortni Marrazzo | Contributing Writer | 5th June 2020 1. Renewal “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved.”– Matthew 9:17 When you embark into new seasons in your life, it’s not just the circumstances that God wants to make new, but more importantly ...

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Carlos Whittaker: Fixing Racism in the World Starts By Examining Your Own Heart

Carlos Whittaker: Fixing Racism in the World Starts By Examining Your Own Heart

Carlos Whittaker | | October 03, 2017 I think the first thing you have to do is take an honest look at yourself. It's a very difficult thing because it's so heated. It goes from zero to hero in boiling level, in the heart. It's a sin issue, first of all and so, we all have a sinful nature. We all have prejudices one way or the other... everybody listening ...

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6 Ways to Help the Homeless Affected by COVID-19

6 Ways to Help the Homeless Affected by COVID-19

Leah den Bok (with Tim den Bok) | | 21 May, 2020 1. Financially Support Homeless Organizations I first spotted Joshua as he was enjoying lunch at Toronto’s Scott Mission with a couple hundred other people experiencing homelessness. I knew right away that, with his unruly hair and the blanket draped around him, he would make an interesting subject for a photograph. So when, a quarter of an hour later, I saw ...

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5 Ways to Recognize "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"

5 Ways to Recognize “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”

Debbie McDaniel ||14th May 2020 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." Matthew 7:15 What does "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" mean? A wolf in sheep's clothing is symbolic for someone who outwardly looks harmless and kind with good intentions but inwardly is full of hate, evil and deceit. The apostle Paul warns us of this false teacher in the book of Matthew ...

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Would God Make Me Marry Someone I’m Not Attracted To?

Kelly-Jayne McGlynn | Question Hi, this has been quite a burning question but something I've been embarrassed or even ashamed of asking: Is God the kind of God that would give you someone you utterly dislike or find unattractive? Perhaps not even just give, but has willed for me? I am honestly scared He would -- although I think this has some either relation or implications to how I view Him. ...

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3 Things Worth Giving Away to Love People Well

Meg Bucher |IBELIEVE.COM God doesn’t require that we give up everything we have to love others well. But there are few things he has given us that he asks us to hold with open hands, ready to generously give a portion of in order for the people in our lives to get a taste of the sacrificial love of Jesus. Wondering what those three things are? Read on… “Everyone who believes that ...

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Joseph in the Bible: 3 Things You Didn’t Know About His Life & Story

Cortni Marrazzo |  |11-June-2015 The story of Joseph in the Bible is one of my favorites because I feel like I can relate so well to him. Joseph had a dream from God as a youth and instead of beginning to walk out that dream as he imagined he would, he went through a bunch of what seemed like detours, and his life ended up looking a lot different than I’m sure he ...

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10 Warnings in the Bible We Don’t Take Seriously Enough

Lynette Kittle | IBELIEVE.COM 1. Resist Being A People Pleaser In this age of Social Media, it’s so easy to get caught up in gaining others’ “likes” and “shares,” and dwell too much on being accepted rather than speaking God’s truth. If our goals are to be popular and well-liked, maybe we need to consider the following promise: “If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, ...

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What Will Heaven Be Like? (5 Amazing Things We Can Know for Sure)

Debbie McDaniel | IBELIEVE.COM Heaven is a real place, and Jesus is preparing a place for us to live there with Him. Jesus comforted his disciples with these powerful words at the Last Supper, just before His journey to cross. And they still hold the power to bring great comfort and peace to our troubled, uncertain hearts today: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. ...

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