5 Ways to Recognize "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"

5 Ways to Recognize “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”

Debbie McDaniel | crosswalk.com|14th May 2020 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." Matthew 7:15 What does "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" mean? A wolf in sheep's clothing is symbolic for someone who outwardly looks harmless and kind with good intentions but inwardly is full of hate, evil and deceit. The apostle Paul warns us of this false teacher in the book of Matthew ...

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Four Christians Killed in Kaduna State, Nigeria, Sources Say

Morning Star News Nigeria Correspondent | Morning Star News  | Thursday, April 23, 2020 JOS, Nigeria, April 22, 2020 (Morning Star News) – Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed four Christians in Kaduna state on Sunday (April 19), a day after an Anglican priest was kidnapped in southern Nigeria, sources said. Herdsmen attacked Angwan Magaji Kamaru village, near Kamaru in Kauru County, shortly after 6:30 p.m. for two and a half hours without resistance from police or other ...

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