Jesus Came to Proclaim Good News to the Poor. But Now They’re Leaving Church.

RYAN BURGE | NOVEMBER 27, 2019 8:00 AM It’s well-established that the gap between the middle class and those who earn the highest incomes in the United States has grown wider over time, spurring partisan responses over how or whether to address income inequality. But there’s a facet of this issue that should be particularly worrisome to Christians: Many of the poorest Americans are abandoning church en masse. By stepping away from church ...

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Chinese Churches ‘Must Support’ Communist Leaders and Gov’t, New Law Says

Michael Foust | Contributor  | Thursday, February 20, 2020 New regulations that went into effect in China this month require churches and other religious organizations to “support the leadership” of the Communist Party and “adhere to” the government’s teachings.  Further, all churches and religious organizations must be “examined and approved” before they can legally worship. The new regulations, dubbed the “Administrative Measures for Religious Groups,” were passed in 2019 and went into effect Feb. 1. ...

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China Appoints Notorious Leader Known for Destroying Church Crosses, Arresting Christians

Mikaela Mathews | Contributor  | Tuesday, February 18, 2020 China has appointed a new leader best known for destroying crosses on churches as head of China’s office in Hong Kong. Xia Baolong has been a long-time ally of President Xi Jinping, as reported by The Guardian. He replaced Zhang Xiaoming as Director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office on Thursday. Baolong’s appointment is a sign that China is not budging on maintaining power over ...

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